Emergency Service 1-800-222-1234 Call Now!

Our staff has actually excused themselves from family dinners on holidays to respond to emergency calls. At Mullen Roofing, we look at it this way. It’s not your fault if your roof is damaged at an inconvenient time, so why should we put your property and everything inside at risk by making you wait to have it fixed?

Mullen Roofing promises to provide emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. If that means working nights, weekends or holidays to minimize damage and save you money, that’s what we’ll do. We know how quickly a small leak can turn into a gushing hole, so we work just as quickly to protect your business.

It doesn’t matter if your emergency is caused by a bad storm, fire, an accident or a fallen tree. If the roof of your commercial property is damaged and needs immediate attention, don’t panic.

Call Mullen Roofing and we’ll be there.